Dqx Wiki
pt Skill Name Effect Used MP
8 ぬすむ(専) Steals an item or money from target 0
18 みやぶる Records the enemy on battle record 0
26 おたからさがし(専) Searches for treasure chests on the map 0
38 常時素早さ+30 Improves AGI by 30 -
46 常時器用さ+20 Improves DEX by 30 -
54 バナナトラップ(専) Places a banana skin trap on current location, usable outside of combat 1
68 常時素早さ+30 Improves AGI by 30 -
78 メガボンバー(専) Damages enemies using bombs 6
82 常時素早さ+30 Improves AGI by 30 -
100 しんだふり Will not be targetted by enemies and recovers hp for the duration 4
110 すばやさ+30(専) Improves AGI by 30 -
120 きようさ+30(専) Improves DEX by 30 -
130 ギガボンバー(専) [CT45] Blow up enemies with a powerful bomb for 500 damage 6
140 ぬすむ成功率アップ(専) Improves item stealing chance -
150 サプライズラッシュ(専) [CT70] A 2.2 damage attack to enemies and may shock them 3
